
Feed More

Volunteers will be working on an assembly line to create non-perishable food care packages for distribution to those in need or helping to sort and organize baked products. If you are a group only pledge the total number of individuals that are committed to volunteering and not your aspiration of how many you think / hope will volunteer.

8020 Villa Park Dr Richmond, Virginia 23228 United States

Kourtney Boughey: kboughey@feedmore.org

Masks are optional. Dress Code for the Warehouse • Shoes: Closed-toed shoes. We recommend shoes with a tread. No flip-flops, Crocs, or sandals are permitted. Volunteers must be able to stand for the duration of the shift and be able to lift up to 25 pounds.

Volunteers must cancel their shift within Volunteer Matters or by emailing the point of contact directly. Failure to show for scheduled shifts may result in your volunteer status being terminated.


How You Can Help
Work a Shift
Date Day Time Role Need