Feed More
THIS SECTION IS FOR GROUPS (CIVIC, FAITH, SCHOOL & CORPORATE) ONLY. IF YOU ARE SCHEDULING ONLY YOURSELF, PLEASE GO TO THE BAYARD COMMUNITY KITHCEN - INDIVIDUAL OPPORTUNTIES SECTION. The Bayard Community Kitchen prepares and cooks meals for thousands of neighbors across Central Virginia. Feed More's Bayard Community Kitchen has three volunteer opportunities: Meal Packaging, Meal Preparation, and Box & Bag Packaging. Only the group's point of contact needs to register within Volunteer Matters. pledge the total number of individuals that are committed to volunteering and not your aspiration of how many you think / hope will volunteer. If a date that you are interested in is full or if you want to bring 1-2 more volunteers than the shift permits, please contact Kourtney Boughey, Volunteer Supervisor, at kboughey@feedmore.org or 804-237-8601.
Kourtney Boughey: kboughey@feedmore.org or 804-237-8601.
Dress Code for the Community Kitchen • Shirts: A shirt with sleeves, short or long. No tank tops are permitted. • Pants: Long pants. No shorts, skirts, or dresses are permitted. • Shoes: Closed-toed shoes. We recommend shoes with a tread. No flip-flops, crocs or sandals are permitted. • Jewelry: No hoop or dangling earrings are permitted. No large rings, watches, or bracelets are permitted. Wedding bands can still be worn in the Kitchen. • Hair constraints: Hair must be constrained by a hairnet provided by Feed More. If you prefer not to wear a hairnet, you can bring a hat, but all of your hair must fit under the hat and not touch your shoulders. Feed More will also provide a beard net for volunteers with facial hair. • Mask: On the Feed More main campus masks are optional for all volunteers. We are unfortunately unable to make accommodations for volunteers in improper attire in the Community Kitchen. Volunteers must be able to stand for the duration of the shift and be able to lift up to 30 pounds.
Volunteers must cancel their shift within Volunteer Matters or by emailing the point of contact directly. Failure to show for scheduled shifts may result in your volunteer status being terminated.
Date | Day | Time | Role | Need |